Please note: These requests are fulfilled by the Division of Vital Records in Baltimore. Processing fees, requirements and delivery schedules may vary.
Download and complete one of the following applications. Mail the completed application, photocopies of required identification, fee (check or money order only, made payable to the Division of Vital Records), and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Division of Vital Records, P.O. Box 68760, Baltimore, MD 21215-0036.
Death Certificate (Word) (requires Microsoft Word)
Death Certificate (PDF) (required Adobe Reader – free download)
Fetal death certificate (Word) (requires Microsoft Word)
Descargüe el formulario bilingue (Inglés / Español) (necesita Adobe Reader – descárgelo gratis – la información en este formulario se puede guardar e imprimir)
To order by phone, call 410-764-3038.
Certified copies of death certificates for deaths occurring within the state of Maryland (from 2015 to present) may be obtained in-person:
Appointments available: Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Location: St. Mary’s County Health Department Main Office in Leonardtown
Fees: $18 for the first copy, $20 for each additional copy
Certified copies of death certificates occurring prior to 2015 must be obtained from the Division of Vital Records in Baltimore.
A surviving relative of the deceased must prove relationship to the deceased with documentation such as:
An authorized representative of a surviving relative of the deceased will need documentation such as:
Note: Applications for death certificates received prior to 12 pm will be processed and ready for pick up after 4 pm the same business day. Applications received at 1 pm or later will be processed and ready for pick up the following business day.
We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. For death certificate requests made in person at the St. Mary’s County Health Department, checks should be made out to the St. Mary’s County Health Department.
Death certificates can be corrected under certain circumstances in accordance with Md. Health General Code Ann. § 4-214. To request an amendment/correction to a death certificate, complete the Request for Correction/Amendment to Death Certificate Form and submit to the DVR with the $10 fee in the form of check or money order made payable to the DVR. Because each request is unique, additional documentation also will be required and may vary, according to the type of correction requested. The documents required are described on the second page of this form.
To obtain death records for genealogical purposes, contact the Maryland State Archives at:
Maryland State Archives
350 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, MD 21401
800-735-2258 (TTY)