Effective August 1, 2024, the excise tax rate for little cigars is $0.2675 per little cigar.
Beginning with the August 2024 reporting period, due September 20, 2024, you must use Form MT-203, Distributor of Tobacco Products Tax Return, (with the revision date August 2024), to file your return and pay the tax due. For more information see Form MT-203-I, Instructions for Form MT-203.
Whether you're starting a new business, purchasing an existing one, or adding a new product or service, we’re here to help guide you through everything you’ll need to do business with New York State.
Step 1: Visit New York Business Express—New York's new comprehensive guide for all your business and professional needs. Quickly and easily find information related to licensing, regulation, incentives and support to start or grow your business.
Step 2: Are you a registered sales tax vendor? If not, you must register for sales tax purposes before any cigarette or tobacco product license can be approved. Sales tax registration is required even if your business will not actually collect or pay sales tax to the Tax Department.
Step 3: Once you're registered for sales tax, you’re ready to apply for the licenses and registrations you’ll need. Select the drop down for the type of business you will open.
Every retail dealer of cigarettes in New York State, and every owner or operator of vending machines through which cigarettes are sold, must separately register each business location or vending machine. The registration fees are:
Upon approval of your application, the Tax Department will send you Form DTF-720, Retail Dealer Certificate of Registration for Cigarette & Tobacco Products. Note: As a retail dealer, you only need one registration, even if you will be selling both cigarettes and tobacco products.
Your registration is valid only for the calendar year for which it is issued. You must apply for renewal on or before September 20th to renew your registration for the following year. For information on renewing your registration, see Filing and license and registration renewal requirements.
Retail dealers in New York City are required to obtain both a city and state registration certificate before selling cigarettes. For more information about obtaining a New York City Cigarette Retail Dealer License, contact the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection .
Once you’ve received your license, view your filing requirements.
You must be licensed as a wholesale cigarette dealer if you:
The license application fee for a wholesale cigarette dealer is $1,500. There is no application fee for a wholesale cigarette dealer who only operates vending machines.
For additional information regarding cigarette wholesaler licenses, see Form CG-100-V, Application for License as a Wholesale Cigarette Dealer Who Only Operates Vending Machines, and Form CG-100-W, Application for License as a Wholesale Cigarette Dealer Other Than Those Who Only Operate Vending Machines.
Once you’ve received your license, view your filing requirements.
You must be licensed as a cigarette agent to purchase and affix New York State cigarette tax stamps. Cigarette agent licenses may be issued to:
The license application fee for an agent only is $1,500. The application fee for an agent and wholesale dealer is $3,000.
For additional information regarding cigarette agent or agent/wholesaler licenses, see Form CG‑100‑A, Application for License as a Cigarette Agent or Agent/Wholesaler.
Once you’ve received your license, view your filing requirements.
You must request appointment as a distributor of tobacco products if you:
There is no fee to apply to be appointed as a distributor of tobacco products.
For additional information, see Form MT-202, Application for a License as a Wholesale Dealer of Tobacco Products or an Appointment as a Distributor of Tobacco Products, and Form MT-202-I, Instructions for Form MT-202.
Once you’ve received your license, view your filing requirements.
Every retail dealer of tobacco products in New York State, and every owner or operator of vending machines through which tobacco products are sold, must separately register each business location or vending machine. The registration fees are:
Upon approval of your application, the Tax Department will send you Form DTF-720, Retail Dealer Certificate of Registration for Cigarette & Tobacco Products. Note: As a retail dealer, you only need one registration, even if you will be selling both cigarettes and tobacco products.
Your registration is valid only for the calendar year for which it is issued. You must apply for renewal on or before September 20th to renew your registration for the following year. For information on renewing your registration, see Filing and license and registration renewal requirements.
Retail dealers in New York City are required to obtain both a city and state registration certificate before selling cigarettes. For more information about obtaining a New York City Cigarette Retail Dealer License, contact the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection.
Once you’ve received your license, view your filing requirements.
You must apply for a license as a wholesale dealer of tobacco products if you:
There is no fee to apply for a license as a wholesale dealer of tobacco products.
For additional information, see Form MT-202, Application for a License as a Wholesale Dealer of Tobacco Products or an Appointment as a Distributor of Tobacco Products.
Once you’ve received your license, view your filing requirements.