Words that are most often associated with animals in alphabetical order.
The third section of an insects body, behind the head and thorax. Acanthodian A group of fish that have jaws.Development of special features or behaviour in order to survive in a particular habitat. Well suited to a particular way of life.
AestivationAn animal that becomes inactive in order to survive long periods of drought as in some reptiles and amphibians.
A group of fish that do not have jaws. A type of cephalopod that has a long spiral shell.Cold-blooded vertebrate animals that live in water as larvae and mostly on land as adults but return to the water to breed.
A form of pseudocopulation in which a male amphibian grasps a female with his front legs as part of the mating process. At the same time or with some time delay, he fertilizes the female eggs with fluid containing sperm.
Anal Claspers Gripping projections located at the end of the body in caterpillars and male dragonflies. Anaphylactic shockHypersensitivity allergic reaction in humans and other mammals particularly when stung by certain insects.
Reptiles that do not have holes on the sides of their skull.The body structure of an animal including internal position of organs and bones and external features.